Tuesday, August 22, 2006
An Act of Preemptive Global Hygine.
Good grief. The WSJ is at it again with today's Op-ed about Saddam's "weapons of mass destruction".
The WSJ refers to events in 1987-1988. Back in the day, when the CIA was paying Saddam's bills . Where was the WSJ editorialist's righteousness then, or in 1990?
The WSJ refers to events in 1987-1988. Back in the day, when the CIA was paying Saddam's bills . Where was the WSJ editorialist's righteousness then, or in 1990?
A vote for change is a vote for Osama.
I guess it is just election season, and the incumbents are probably just trying to maintain the status quo. But I have to ask.
What's the purpose of a Democracy, if not to allow voters to choose different leadership and ideas when old leadership has been proven wrong?
What's the purpose of a Democracy, if not to allow voters to choose different leadership and ideas when old leadership has been proven wrong?